Friday, November 4, 2011

God Has A Plan For You!

Knowing God has a plan for your life is very important.  

   When things happen that are totally out of our control, it can be very discouraging.  It's easy to become frustrated, to feel afraid and to question what the future holds.
   Putting faith in God's plan allows you to trust that events in your life are meant to be or that God will turn it into the best for you.  It helps us make choices based on prayer, the Word and spiritual advice, knowing that God is , in fact, in control.  There is a peace in knowing that His plan is playing out in your life.  When you are confused, remember that God is not a God of confusion, is still in control and He loves you very much.  Thank Him and His plans.
   You are not alone and you never will be.  God is with you every step of the way.  He is lighting lamps to guide you.  And if you ever do feel for a second that He is not right there beside you, perhaps it's you or perhaps he's building a bridge for you that will keep you safe from harm.  He will lead you on toward the light shining through.  
   As a mature disciple of Jesus, I have seen,  felt and experienced this many times, even in the darkest pit, before I truly became a dedicated Christian.  He still loved me, even then, and he loves you, where ever you may be.

1 comment:

  1. Fran, thank you for this encouragement. I've been struggling because I'm about to be laid off AGAIN and am tempted to get real frustrated because this is a pattern.
